Saturday, January 5, 2008

site under const

Gutted minimal template

Welcome to this gutted, minimal, naked, skeleton Blogger XML template. It is not intended to be used as is. Instead, this design-less template is a quick starting point for starting a whole new design. Just add your own CSS and HTML.

Here are some characteristics and features:

  • Two-column liquid-width design (but easy to change)
  • Almost no "extra" CSS or HTML tags
  • Blog post pages show post title first in page title (instead of blog title first) (thanks Feureau)
  • Google AdSense content emphasis tags

If you are not feeling creative, try adapting a design from Open Source Web Design or WordPress.

If you find this blog template useful, please link back to

Download here: (check back soon)

Friday, January 4, 2008

HTML elements demonstration

This is a proper paragraph

This is not a paragraph. Following is a manual BR line break
<-- That was a BR line break.

Link to your favorite sites: OpenOffice Org Foo,

Unordered list

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Oranges

Ordered list

  1. Apples
  2. Bananas
  3. Oranges

The following is a BLOCKQUOTE:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin sem augue, dignissim sagittis, fringilla viverra, hendrerit eu, justo. In interdum nibh at tortor. Nulla velit tortor, elementum at, vulputate eget, cursus non, magna. Cras nunc nulla, faucibus quis, ornare eget, luctus sit amet, nisi.

The following is CODE:

printf("hello world\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

There's not much point in showing an IMG. :)